The College Minority
"The Power of Learning"
Spr Blk Hist 2019

The Magazine

Our interactive Magazine provides news, articles, and information that transforms our Black, Minority, and underrepresented communities.
We also feature organizations actively recruiting qualified minorities for employment and/or college admissions. These Organizations are proudly displayed in each issue.

Our readers know that we are the leading source of Diversity & Inclusion news as well as opportunities in  Employment and Higher Education.

We write about visionaries and success stories, innovators and game changers. We also deliver information about injustice and unfairness that is seldom highlighted elsewhere. Some subject matters may be unknown to the general community, but should undoubtedly be brought to light and discussed.

We promise, that every issue of Equal Opportunity Today will deliver a deeper understanding of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality and Its Impact on everyone


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